Logo Trans fer route Savoie


The Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne bus station is open 7 days a week during the winter season for passenger transportation. It is equipped with an access control and only vehicles with a badge can access it. Priority shall be given to operators of scheduled routes. All new carriers wishing to use the bus station must first contact the station manager.


The bus station is equipped with 8 bus platforms for passenger pick-up and 3 regulation platforms.

Those platforms are primarily reserved for regular lines.

The allocation of platforms must be respected in order to ensure the proper functioning of this bus station.

Only the staff of the bus station is entitled to change the allocation of platforms.

Drivers must respect the mandatory rules in terms of arrival and departure at each platform.

Parking outside the designated locations is strictly prohibited.

Access to the bus station and direction of traffic

The bus station is one way.

Access condition

All the bus stations in Savoie are equipped with access control, and only vehicles with a badge can access it 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Any new carrier wishing to access bus stations should contact Trans Fer Route Savoie to retrieve the transit request form as well as the procedures for issuing badges.

The operator of the bus stations reserves the right to refuse access to buses in the event of site saturation.

Safety rules

Vehicles must be moving at a slow pace.

Reverse operations, except for getting off th platform, are strictly prohibited except in cases of force majeure. In this case, the operation will be carried out under the responsibility of the driver.

Engine shutdown is mandatory as soon as the bus is docked.

Carrier insurance

The carrier’s civil liability is incurred in the event of damage to property or to a person as a result of his activity within the scope of the bus stations. The guarantees provided by these companies must cover material and other damage caused by the movement of the buses. Any incident must be reported to the SEML Trans Fer Route Savoie and be the subject of an observation if necessary.


In the event of non-compliance with these regulations, the station manager and agents are empowered to apply penalties for breaches duly notified to carriers:

  • Annoying parking: 60 € excl tax
  • Non-compliance with the instructions of the agents of the bus stations: 60 € excl tax
  • Use of the docks without prior request: 60 € excl tax
  • Forced opening of the barriers: 200 € excl tax
  • Double-row parking: 60 € excl tax
  • Non-compliance with operating regulations other than the cases mentioned above: 60 € excl tax

Informations pratiques

  • clock

    Ticket offices and waiting room opening hours

    Winter Season (Mid-December-Late April)

    From Monday to Friday: 7:30 am – 11:00 am & 12:30pm – 6:00 pm

    Saturday and Sunday: 6:30 am – 6:30 pm

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